Featured Listing Request

We would like to help you get reservations. In order to get reservation requests to start coming in you need to upgrade to our Featured Listing service. This will allow you to put more information about your company including, photos, video, amenities, rates, descriptions and more. This will also allow our clients to quickly find your Featured Listing and then give them an opportunity to request a reservation through GoVisitCostaRica.com. We have more than 1,630,000+ visitors to our website yearly so you are guaranteed exposure. The best part is you do not have to pay commissions for this service their is just a small monthly fee.

Our Featured Listing services start at $137 for 3 months*, we also do not charge commissions on reservations generated through our website.

To get started please fill out this form and we will promptly get back to you.
We respect your privacy; we will never sell or distribute your personal information.
If you have any questions Call Us at (858) 581-9209 (USA Main Office) or at (506) 8939-7265 (Costa Rica Main Office). English and Spanish spoken at both numbers.

* Our prices vary for the following types of listings:
Hotel and Activity Company Featured Listings start at $137 for 3 months
Vacation Rental Featured Listings start at $97 for 3 months
Restaurant Featured Listings start at $64 for 3 months
All other Featured Listings are $137 for 3 months