About Javier Navajas

Javier Navajas
Javier Navajas
Content & Social Media Strategist

Javi Navajas - not to be confused with the Javi the Frog - is originally from Guatemala, though his parents along with their influences come from Spain. Today, he lives in San José, Costa Rica, and while there's no doubt in his mind that the hustle and bustle of city life is great, he loves being close to vast nature reserves and the awe-inspiring biodiversity for which Costa Rica is famous.

Traveling first piqued Javi's attention when he decided to be part of the tourism and hotel administration management field. Connecting with visitors and helping foreigners feel at home is one of things that keeps Javi going, and continues to excite him every day at Go Visit Costa Rica. However, he also has plenty of adventurous travel experiences to rely on for providing customers with expert advice. Whether it's exploring the rainforest of Manuel Antonio or diving into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, Javi is always moving. Costa Rica, he believes, is truly an unmatched destination, and with family at the heart of Pura Vida life, Javi couldn't be happier that he has the opportunity to combine adventure with spreading the word about the gems of the "Rich Coast."

"...there's so much to see and explore here that the altitude will be the last thing that's dizzying."

Although it's hard for him to choose one spot, Javi's all-time favorite travel destination is Monteverde. Sitting in the clouds of the continental divide - more than 1,440 meters above sea level - Monteverde is filled with coffee plantations, friendly locals, unbelievable biodiversity and of course, cloud forests. Javi says that there's so much to see and explore here that the altitude will be the last thing that's dizzying.

His fondest travel experience was the first time he spotted a quetzal, which happened to be in Monteverde! The resplendent quetzal is Javi's favorite bird. In his own words, Javi says he will always remember that "moment in Monteverde" (a phrase which we think should be a song). When asked about the best-kept secret in Costa Rica, Javi states that there's no place that competes with Matapalo Beach, which is brimming with broad beaches and beautiful vistas. For those who are seeking an off-the-beaten-path destination, the town is located 32 kilometers south of Quepos in Puntarenas.

Some people travel to relax. Some people travel to explore. Javi's favorite part of traveling lies somewhere in the middle - driving through the different regions, from the Pacific highlands to the northern lowlands. He has fallen in love with his adopted country countless times. As a technology buff, Javi always brings along a smartphone, tablet and a good HD camera to capture his endless excursions in pixel-perfect quality. Like Todd Sarouhan, the founder of Go Visit Costa Rica, Javi vouches that a laid-back attitude is crucial in exploring new places. Bumpy road trips, taking a wrong turn and meeting new faces are all part of the beauty of travel, and in the end, they'll make the trip even better than you thought it'd be!

Today, Javi loves traveling with his wife, whose adventurous spirit and good sense of direction makes her the ideal travel companion and partner in crime. Together, they can't wait for their next big trip: a wedding in the gorgeous Guanacaste.

For first-timers to the country, Javi recommends branching out. The most common mistake of tourist newbies he's seen is only sticking to the beaten path, instead of branching out and discovering the hidden and beautiful places on your own, because certainly, there's no shortage of those in the rich coast.

Javier & Daniela at Punta IslitaJavier running with bulls in Spain Javier at Arenal Lake Javier & his bride dancing at his weddingJavier enjoying drinks with friends Javier & Daniela at ruinsJavier with Daniela at soccer game in Spain Javier enjoying a beer at a pool Javier having dinner with friends Javier hanging out with friends