Tourist Bus Companies in Guanacaste

Using a tourist bus to get around during your vacation in Costa Rica means getting the chance to enjoy the countryside while socializing with fellow travelers. The best part about it is that you have the opportunity to really check out a variety of locales, seeing more of the country, even if the stops are brief. Guanacaste is especially fun to explore via bus, because it has a number of famous beaches and parks that you can easily hop between if you plan your transportation.

Beaches to Explore and Parks to Visit

This province takes up most of the Nicoya Peninsula, so you can bet that the beach activity is spectacular. No matter where you go, you will find surfing destinations nearby in Playa Negra, Playa Grande, Tamarindo, Ollie’s Point and Nosara.

There’s more to do than just surfing, though. Those same sites and other nearby beaches also offer swimming opportunities, chances to snorkel, and more. The offerings vary from site to site, but you can also easily find kayaks, parasailing, and charter boats if you are looking. On top of that, Guanacaste boasts two of Costa Rica’s stunning national parks, including one that was named after the province itself.

Natural Heritage

Part of the reason this location is so popular with tourists is because its history as part of Costa Rica’s land preservation efforts makes it naturally beautiful, with a variety of landscapes and geological features. When you go to the parks and land preserves around Guanacaste by bus, you not only get the chance to explore these wild areas, you also get the opportunity to see what lies between them, painting a more complete picture of the diverse and stunning countryside.

How Tourist Buses Make Sites More Accessible

Tourist buses are a bit different from other forms of public transportation. They don’t use regular timed routes that constantly run. Instead, they offer daily itineraries that include stops where you can see a few of the natural wonders, local tourist attractions, and other sights that cover the landscape. In provinces with a particularly rich selection of sites to see, you can easily find a variety of tour bus routes and itineraries designed to ease your access.

Booking the right route is a matter of reviewing the stops and the time spent at each location, and then deciding which one lets you see what you need to see. If you can’t find a single trip that covers everything you want to see, you can always books a few short trips with various companies, allowing you to spend each day in the province seeing new wonders and socializing with fellow travelers who are also there to enjoy the sights.

Buses Between Provinces

On top of the tourist bus routes that will take you out to the sites within Guanacaste province, you can also expect to find buses that run between major cities. That means you can easily fly into a major hub like San Jose, then find a bus that will bring you where you need to be in the province. This makes it easy to get a feel for the regional differences and geographic diversity that Costa Rica has become famous for.

Planning Ahead or Being Spontaneous?

It’s probably a good idea to book your bus trip in advance if you know where you want to go and when you want to get there, but since tourist buses are accessible throughout the country, you can get by without a lot of advance planning if you do your research. Since buses are popular and run fairly consistently, you can usually find a ticket to a surprising destination when you get the itch to do something new, too. Consider planning your important destinations while leaving some room for impulsive decisions, and see more of Costa Rica.

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