These animals may look cute, but I advise you to look past their cuddly fuzzy coats and little button eyes. What are they doing in a big group like that? What are they talking about? Is it about me?
Cute Coatimundis on the roadPhoto Credit : Ko:(char *)hook
These coatimundis already have an affinity for traveling in large packs. It would be a small, small step to simply gather enough groups to surround city hall. With their little chocolate drop noses and baby paws, who knows what sinister demands they may have?.
Cute Red PandaPhoto Credit : Dakiny
Red Pandas
I don't know if these guys have the organization power to set up an all-out take-over, it looks like their union meeting above got a big thrown off track by an interesting leaf. But their faces make them look like little magicians with their little white whisker mustache, and I can dream.
Funny pair of AlpacasPhoto Credit : MICOLO
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So we already have an eye on you, Alpacas. You have that mysterious "let's all look in the same direction" thing down too well. The way that at any given moment, you could be chanting "One of us! One of us!" Also, I question the way the pun "Alpacalypse" is too easily set up for you. I've not let my guard down on you guys just yet, even though I totally will real quicksies if its just for a little snuggle.
When it comes to general meeting power, penguins win it for sure. Ocean's 11 had only like 11 guys, or something. Imagine what this group could constructively plan out and accomplish. And if they somehow get a hold of a catchy heist anthem like Ocean's 11 had, we're toast. In fact, can I see your assembly permit, guys? You're kinda freaking me out.
Group of PenguinsPhoto Credit : sandwichgirl
When it comes to general meeting power, penguins win it for sure. Ocean's 11 had only like 11 guys, or something. Imagine what this group could constructively plan out and accomplish. And if they somehow get ahold of a catchy heist anthem like Ocean's 11 had, we're toast. In fact, can I see your assembly permit, guys? You're kinda freaking me out.
Cute little BunnyPhoto Credit : julochka
Sure, bunnies may be cute lil nice bunnies, but you can't rule them out due to sheer reproductive power. This may seem like just a bunch of fuzzy babies eating a melon like tiny precious darlings, but over dinner is when the most devious of plans are discussed. Just look at that bunny looking off into the distance above. His eyes may say "adorable" but under its breath those same eyes are saying "HOSTILE TAKEOVER".
Little Baby WallabiesPhoto Credit : Feggy Art
That's right, zookeeper, control their utter terror with that moisturizing sunscreen to prevent burns! It's clear that they plan to overpower you with their long eyelashes and velvety little noses. Whatever you do, don't tell them any government secrets!

Photo Credit :
Ring Tailed Lemur
This one I'll just admit that I'd completely okay with, since according to all the pictures I've found, being a ring-tailed lemur seems like a 24-hour group cuddle fest, and that sounds like a world that I would want to live in.
Cute Little Puppy SleepingPhoto Credit : smerikal
Be careful, happy teenager! Can't you see that if any cuteness has the capability to control us, its --OH NO, they've done it haven't they! They've taken over! It's all over, people, it's the puppies' world. THE MISERY!!